miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Technology is taking over our lives, says leading psychologist

Fill in the gaps with the missing information.

We use technological devices more than_____________________.
About _________________ of people say that they will find it really difficult to do without technology.
3.       As we’ve started using technological devices we’ve become more reliant and ____________ on them.
4.       In particular adults find it difficult to do without their ______________ .
5.       The term nomophopia describe people who suffer from the lack of ________________
6.       Twice as many people admit that they’d rather lose their _____________ _______ than their smart phone.
7.       As screen contact goes on __________________ goes down.

Answers: 1.       ever before  2 . 70%   3. dependant    4 smart phone  5 their device   6 wedding ring  
7 eye contact 

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